BBA Uttranchal University

365 Students enrolled
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BBA is more about managing Money, Resources, Time and People of an organization to run the business effectively efficiently and profitably. It is kind of balancing an act that requires special skills across many disciplines, including quantitative and soft skills to communicate and influence people through effective presentation. Organizations actively look for BBA graduates who have strong foundation for business practices, problem solving capabilities and managing people. Uttaranchal University offers BBA Program to students who are willing to work in the corporate world as business administrators.

The BBA Program gives students a strategic outlook on problems of business organization, setting up entrepreneurial ventures and run family businesses. The degree program is intended for those who wish to acquire business managerial knowledge and skills. The curriculum provides students with a strategic perspective on contemporary issues in management. The academic curriculum is a 3 years program, which involves comprehensive learning that would produce managers who are well-equipped with technical expertise and practical knowledge relevant to today’s globalized environment. This program provides students with practical orientation and broad specialization in marketing, finance, business statistics, human resource management and international business, etc. The program provides extensive on the shop practical training, with audio-visual support, class room sessions, case studies, seminar session, summer training and industrial visits.

OBBA-112 - Business law
OBBA-113 - Fundamentals of Accounting
OBBA-114 - Communicative English (Business English)
OBBA - 115 - Fundamentals of Computing
Semester 2
OBBA-121 - Financial Management
OBBA-122- Strategic Management
OBBA-123 - Company Law
OBBA-124 - Environment Studies
OBBA-125- Principles of Management
Semester 3
OBBA-231 - Macroeconomics
OBBA-232 - Marketing of Services
OBBA-233 - Risk & Insurance Management
OBBA-234 - Business Statistics
OBBA-235 - Production & Operation Management
OBBA-236 - E- Commerce
Semester 4
OBBA-241- Business Mathematics
OBBA-242 - Human Resource Management
OBBA-243- International Business
OBBA-244 - Research Methods in Business Management
OBBA-245 - Personality Development
OBBA-246 - Advertisement & Sales Promotion
Semester 5
OBBA-351 -Quantitative Techniques for Management
OBBA-352- Management Accounting
OBBA-353 - (Finance)- International Finance (Marketing)- Personal Selling and Sales force Management (Human Resource)- HRD- System and Strategies
OBBA-354 - (Finance) Investment Banking and Financial Services (Marketing)- Retail Management (Human Resource)- Management of Industrial Relations
OBBA-355 - Project Report-I and Presentation
Semester 6
OBBA-361 - Compensation Management
OBBA-362 - Management Information System
OBBA-363 - (Finance)- Cost Accounting (Marketing)- International Marketing (Human Resource)- Cross Cultural HRM
OBBA-364 - (Finance)- Business Analysis and Valuation (Marketing)- Distribution and Supply Chain Management (Human Resource)- Training and Development
OBBA-365 - Project Report-II and Presentation